The I saw 2 seconds of the video and know it's a great idea infant bed.As a father to be, any day now, I've read every mommy daddy blog, researched the gear, and lost sleep over decisions on details considered first world problems. One of these details in particular was between a pack and play with or without a bassinet type bed add-on, well it would have been nice to have a bed as adaptable as the Crescent Womb. Even better than obvious benefit of being able to retrofit just about any crib or bed or pack and play, the product is heavily focused on health and safety. The Crescent Womb is designed to comfortably support your child in a fetal position. They go on to discuss some incredible advantages of resting this way, something I had never heard of before.
The breathable elastic material helps baby to be comfortable while eliminating many of the items which have shown to correlate with SIDS. It's a winning combination.
Head over to Kickstarter to secure your early bird specials now or show your support by spreading this awesome idea.
Say that five times fast. You could have some delicious homemade mayo or aioli by now if you just had a Qwik Wisk. Wait, what is the difference between mayonnaise and aioli? Our research tells us: garlic. Aioli by definition/origin includes garlic paste; mayo does not. There is a bit more to it, and there's definitely overlap between the two, but garlic seems to be the main difference. Brainstormville: We open a new tab, do some googling, and report back, so you don't have to. Anyway, super-simple mechanism and design make this elegant little mixer seem actually worth owning, if you're the type to make dressings, whipped cream, etc. Seeing it in action makes me want to be that type. Could be cool to swirl up a nice vinaigrette, drizzle some on a salad, and pop the rest back in the fridge. Especially interesting is the ability to froth up some milk for coffee drinks. Looks great in their video: The Nutty Jar (for Sticky YumYums) By: Josh Cocciardi
RECARD- The Record Playing Gift CardBy: Josh Cocciardi 2/27/15 ![]() From across the pond this greeting card looks a lot like a record because it is; a record; a RECARD. A simple concept turned into a bloody brilliant reality and a unique gift to anyone still obsessing over that vinyl sound and well, everyone else too; everyone will like this gift. E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E, or at least me, so if anyone wanted to send me one of these I would love it. You exclaim, "Oh no! I don't have a record player." No problem says RECARD, it comes with everything you need, the savvy design includes a flat packed cradle arm with a needle built right in. The sound is trumpeted aloud for all to hear, if placed on top of a cup or mug, RECARD claims you can amplify the sound a wee bit (Scotland is the UK, I'm not just confusingly racist) while also making it easier to play. Why is making it easier to play important? Well, there are no motors or batteries included because they aren't needed. By simply turning the record by hand your ears will enjoy a surprisingly British birthday wish and a charming toe tapping tune. My sincerest congratulations on such a delightful and whimsical idea. I hope these guys get a hold of someone like urban outfitters, it would 'kill it' as part of their knick knack and record section of every store and of course online as well. Quick bit, in case you were ever curious about what is actually included in the UK, Britain, England, British Isles, etc. because quite frankly, it is confusing-check out this powerful venn-diagram where it is very obvious a picture is worth 1000 words. Follow on twitter or check out at RECARDS Leash Tamer - "Simply the Best Leash You'll Ever Own" By: Josh Cocciardi 2/26/15
DEN Do Good Dog Beds By: Josh Cocciardi 2/25/15
Clamp, by Julian Bagirov By: Josh Cocciardi 2/24/15
The Pool Buoy By: Josh Cocciardi 2/24/15
Egloo By: Josh Cocciardi 2/24/15